August 7, 2023

How to Dissolve Blood Clots Naturally

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

Natural Remedies for Blood Clots A blood clot is a painful, potentially life-threatening condition that can disturb your everyday activities and put a damper on your life until the clot has been removed or has been broken up. A blood clot, also known in the medical world as deep vein thrombosis, is a thick clump […]
August 7, 2023

How To Tell If You Have Poor Blood Circulation

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

Poor Blood Circulation Symptoms: 3 Key Warning Signs to Look Out For Blood circulation is primarily carried out by the blood vessels in the body. When these blood vessels become damaged, the ability of blood to travel to each of the parts of the body as it needs may become negatively affected. This can have […]
August 7, 2023

Chronic Venous Insufficiency & Blood Circulation

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

Common Circulation Issues Caused by Chronic Venous Insufficiency Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a condition that involves veins that have become damaged or have stopped working as they should. It causes the blood that travels down to the legs to struggle to return to the heart and can even cause blood to pool in the […]

August 7, 2023

Can Varicose Veins Pose a Health Risk?

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

Are varicose veins dangerous?  Varicose veins are veins that most often appear on the backs of the legs in the form of large, swollen tracts of veins that have risen close to the surface of the skin. They can be blue, purple or reddish in color. They can be mostly asymptomatic and cause no physical […]

August 2, 2023

Why Are The Veins in My Legs Blue

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

Understanding the Science Behind Vein Coloration Many people may think that veins are blue under the skin, but they’re actually not! They don’t have much color at all, interestingly enough. And no, the blood running through your veins isn’t blue either. So why do veins seem blue? The answer is pretty simple. The reason why […]
August 2, 2023

What You Should Know About Hemosiderin Staining

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

What is hemosiderin staining?  Hemosiderin is a condition that most often occurs in the lower legs, ankles and feet. The staining results from a blood protein containing iron leaking from damaged blood capillaries. The staining it causes usually looks like brown, red or yellow coloring on the skin.  What are some causes of hemosiderin staining?  […]

August 2, 2023

What Is Vein Restoration & How Does It Work?

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

How Does Vein Restoration Work? Vein restoration can be complicated. But with the help of a specialist, it doesn’t have to be. A vein specialist can help guide you through what the vein restoration process is and improve your quality of life so that you can live more comfortably while dealing with vein disease. What […]
August 2, 2023

What Does Lymphedema Pain Feel Like?

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

What is Lymphedema? Lymphedema is the swelling of tissue in the body, most often the legs, due to limited drainage of the lymph nodes. It can affect the legs, arms, chest, neck, and even the genitals. Lymphedema pain can feel like a variety of things, but to learn more about what this chronic disease may […]

August 2, 2023

Can You Get Rid of Varicose Veins?

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

Discover How to Get Rid of Your Varicose Veins Varicose veins are those pesky, bulging veins that appear on the back of your legs. You know, the blue and purple ones that twist around in crazy contortions? Those are the ones. They’re damaged veins that have become ineffective at circulating blood around your body. Some […]
August 2, 2023

Venous Stasis Dermatitis: Common Causes

United Vein & Vascular Centers®

Stages of Venous Stasis Dermatitis Venous stasis dermatitis is a condition involving the inflammation of the skin, and it results from chronic venous insufficiency. Venous stasis dermatitis happens when the veins in your legs can’t move blood around the body sufficiently, causing a buildup of pressure. When there is enough pressure, blood can leak out […]