Muscle Cramps in Legs

April 22, 2024
By United Vein & Vascular Centers®

A muscle cramp in your leg might be due to poor blood circulation caused by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) or peripheral artery disease (PAD). While CVI affects your veins and PAD affects your arteries, both conditions can cause severe muscle cramping and spasms in your legs.

United Vein & Vascular Centers offers an array of treatment options to minimize cramping symptoms of CVI and PAD.

What Causes Muscle Cramping in Legs?

A myriad of conditions, like dehydration, fatigue, vitamin D, and calcium deficiency, can cause muscle cramping. Culprits also include CVI and PAD, as poor blood circulation and cramping go hand in hand.

Leg cramps and spasms are common symptoms of CVI and usually occur at night. When your veins struggle to transport blood back to your heart, blood lays in a pool. Blood pooling can damage your blood vessels, causing varicose veins. As this condition worsens, you might start to experience symptoms like muscle cramps in your legs.

Muscle cramping is the most common symptom of PAD. People with PAD usually experience cramps in their calves, thighs or hips when they are active because your legs need more blood supply when you are moving about. Cramps are the muscle’s way of notifying the body that your legs need a higher blood supply.

United Vein & Vascular Centers Muscle Cramping Treatment

To treat CVI, you and your physician will find the best treatment to reroute blood from a problem vein to healthier blood vessels. We might suggest one of the following procedures:

If you are suffering from PAD, our masterful physicians can treat your condition through minimally invasive procedures like: 

Angioplasty: This nonsurgical treatment utilizes a balloon-tipped catheter to push plaque to the side, effectively widening your blood vessels.  

Atherectomy: This minimally invasive surgical treatment removes plaque with a high-energy laser.

Entrust Your Blood Vessel Health to an Expert Team

United Vein & Vascular Centers couples compassionate care with advanced medical procedures. Our board-certified surgeons have helped thousands of people with poor circulation and cramping better their situation.

Always ready to assist, our surgeons are generous with their time. They will ensure you receive all the knowledge about your treatment options so you can make the best decision for your health, and they will answer any questions you might have.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

If you’re concerned about your vein health, schedule a consultation with a vein and vascular specialist to put your mind at ease

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