How To Treat Varicose Veins & What Time Of Year Is Best

May 24, 2021
By United Vein & Vascular Centers®

Are you wondering how to treat varicose veins? There are many options out there for home remedies and treatments that will banish your veins forever. However, certain times of the year can actually affect how well your treatments go! Here at United Vein & Vascular Centers , we tell you how certain times of the year can alter the healing process of your varicose veins treatment, so you can get a better sense of when you might want to treat yours. Varicose veins can put a strain on your daily life because they are not only very noticeable and people are self-conscious of them, but they are also painful. Our team of experts has facilities throughout the US, so you can rest assured that our practices and advice are reliable. You will be amazed at the results of your treatment if you choose to undergo one, especially if you take our advice on what time of year would be best for you to get treated. We offer the best treatments in Chicago!

How To Treat Varicose Veins Throughout The Year

We want you to understand how the seasons affect your varicose vein treatments because they do make differences, believe it or not! In the summer, people are more likely to exercise, which is excellent for varicose veins because exercise gets your blood flowing. Your body will become looser overall from the warmth, but it is essential to cover your veins from the UV rays after treatment and beyond. In the fall, you will not see the sun for as many hours, which is good because you can stay active without worrying as much. Plus, our treatments are covered by most insurances, which are usually renewed at the beginning of the fall. In the winter, people are less likely to stay active, which is not good for varicose veins, but the cooler weather prevents your body from swelling. Also, you can wear compression socks under your pants, which are great for varicose veins after treatments, and you will still be comfortable because it will be cold outside.

When To Treat Your Veins

Since we explained the differences within the seasons, you are likely wondering when to treat your veins overall. Our advice is that it is completely up to you because there are pros and cons to all of the seasons. Simply think about your lifestyle and which season you can handle a recovery in better.

We Stand Out

Our clinics stand out from others for various reasons. Our treatments are only minimally invasive, so you will barely experience any pain. In addition, our doctors are board-certified, and they use cutting-edge technology instead of laser technology to treat your veins. The treatments are performed in their offices, so you can return home or go back to work the same day. This is very beneficial for those who do not have time to stay overnight to recover.

Contact Us

United Vein & Vascular Centers are professionals who want you to know how to treat varicose veins. There are so many options out there waiting for you, and now you know how the different seasons will affect your mild recovery time. Please call or visit us today in Chicago for more information.

If you’re concerned about your vein health, schedule a consultation with a vein and vascular specialist to put your mind at ease

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