Signs & Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

October 28, 2022
By United Vein & Vascular Centers®

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Deep vein thrombosis is the occurrence of a blood clot in the deep veins of the body. It’s most common in the legs, but it usually occurs in only one leg at one time. 

If you’re diagnosed with this condition, it should be cause for concern. The blood clot could dislodge from the vein and travel to your lungs, resulting in a pulmonary embolism. Without treatment through prompt intervention, this condition could be fatal. Whether you’ve been diagnosed or you feel like you may have deep vein thrombosis, you should not hesitate to see a medical professional. 

What does it feel like to have deep vein thrombosis? 

  • Throbbing or cramping — Many people report throbbing pains and cramping in their leg where the blood clot is caught in the vein. 
  • Swelling — For patients with deep vein thrombosis, their legs may become swollen and the veins in their legs may appear to be slightly bulged out. 
  • Sore veins — Deep vein thrombosis can cause veins that become sore to touch. 

What kind of treatment can help those who feel like they have deep vein thrombosis? 

Seeking treatment from a vein and vascular specialist for deep vein thrombosis can be very beneficial. After you visit your primary care doctor and they prescribe you medication like blood thinners, they can refer you to a specialist. From there, the vein and vascular specialist can help you manage your symptoms, diagnose and prevent future issues, and even perform procedures to remove the blood clot in your leg.  

Contact us if you feel like you may have deep vein thrombosis 

You don’t have to continue worrying about symptoms of vein conditions that are making your life more difficult. Our vein specialists at United Vein & Vascular Centers are here to help you. Each of our team members understands the uncertainty and discomfort that vein problems can lead to, and that’s why they’re committed to helping you better understand your condition, your symptoms and the options you can use to address them.  

Our specialists can also help you find the most effective treatment option for your vein condition and include it in a comprehensive treatment plan that’s designed to:  

  • Reduce your symptoms. 
  • Improve your ability to walk and perform other normal daily tasks.  
  • Increase your overall quality of life.  

Contact us today to learn more about your vein condition and the ways it can be treated or to set up an initial appointment.  

If you’re concerned about your vein health, schedule a free screening* with a vein specialist to put your mind at ease

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